Basic Lookups with Scribe Insight

Scribe Insight is a great tool for moving data between systems, especially CRM.  Mapping data between text, numeric, and date fields is a pretty straightforward process, especially when there’s no cleansing of data needed.  Just map the source field to the destination and you’re done!  Lookup fields can be a tad bit more involved however.  For most lookups though Scribe has included several built in functions that make mapping lookups a snap.  The two functions we’re going to be focusing on in this article are DBLOOKUP and DBLOOKUP2.  What’s the difference you might ask between the two?  The only difference is that DBLOOKUP finds a lookup based on one field, while DBLOOOKUP2 uses two fields to map a lookup.  Let’s look at an example of what one of those functions might look like.


As you can see in this example we’re using the DBLOOKUP function.  We are trying to populate a field named operator which looks up to the iurc_operator entity. An overview of the parameters is as follows:

Source Data – This is the source field you’re using to find the data
Adapter Name – The name of the adapter to use (typically your destination adapter)
Target entity – The entity which we are looking up to
Field to Search on – this is the field for which we are searching to find our record
Return field – this is field we get back from the search to populate our field (in CRM almost always the guid)

And there you have it.  It just takes one simple function to populate your lookup field in CRM using Scribes build in lookup functions.


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