Development Tooling Updates for PowerApps

Development tools continue to gradually move from the classic editor the power apps portal. Here is a quick overview of some of the interesting developer tool updates available for preview… 

Improved Model-Driven App Editor

General Availability Oct. 2021 

In the updated editor, you can now see a live preview of your app as you edit. Custom pages are notably interesting, as this allows you to present a canvas app as its own page, a dialog, or side panel. See below photos for examples of this new feature. 

For more info on custom pages, see the documentation here: Converge model-driven and canvas apps using the custom page – Power Apps | Microsoft Docs 



Updated Ribbon/Command Designer

Available under Preview 

This modern command editor offers a designer consistent with the other PowerApps designers. System commands are currently read-only, among other limitations. 

Commands is also a new tab when viewing a table, to get better insight on what custom commands are in your environment or solution. 


For more info on the command designer, see the documentation here: Command designer overview – Power Apps | Microsoft Docs 


For more info on all development tooling updates, see the full release information here: Microsoft Power Platform 2021 release wave 2 plan overview | Microsoft Docs